You Call, We Answer! Your Problem, Our Solution!

Sam, Corey and the team found something special with their combined Carpentry and Real Estate expertise and “know-how”. They channel it towards property and business owners who are either in need of immediate fix and repair; wanting regular Maintenance and Service Level Agreement schedules; or simply prepping their property for sale. This professional team speaks with home and business owners about various issues, problems, and upgrade options, and provides customized solutions and Service/Maintenance Agreement schedules suitable to the home or business owner’s desired outcome. The THAT HANDYMAN GUY LLC Team also prides themselves in “old-school” ethics where 30-plus years in the industry still warrants warm greetings, polite handshakes, and courteous gestures. If you’re in need of painting, flooring, window and door installation, remodel work, general interior/exterior repairs and more…. or simply would like to prepare your home for the market by learning the steps involved; give “That Handyman Guy” a call. You will quickly recognize what sets us apart from the rest and why our team is your clear choice for both “one-off” projects as well as scheduled service and maintenance schedules through the year.

You’ll meet an awesome team who want to keep your home and business in it’s very best condition!

handy man york pa

Let’s chat about what you have in mind!